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Trad Restrictions and Ecclesia Dei

As we have spoken about on Catholic Unscripted, rumours abound this week about a new restriction on the Traditional Latin Mass.

Diane Montagna, Vatican journalist, reports for The Remnant that reliable sources state that a new Vatican document more restrictive than Traditionis Custodes does indeed exist, is backed by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, and has been presented to Pope Francis. 

Well-informed sources have confirmed that the new document, if published, would prohibit all priests other than those belonging to approved ex-Ecclesia Dei institutes from offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Vetus Ordo, or old rite as it is commonly called.

It would also prohibit bishops from themselves celebrating or authorising the celebration of the Vetus Ordo in their dioceses, and suspend existing permissions granted by the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments post-Traditionis Custodes.

Sources note that personal parishes run by ex-Ecclesia Dei institutes (e.g., the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter or Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest) would be allowed to continue. However, it is unclear if and to what extent priests of these institutes would be permitted to administer sacraments such as baptism, confirmation and marriage to the faithful in the traditional form.

While seeming to “save and protect” ex-Ecclesia Dei institutes, it is also unclear whether diaconal and priestly ordinations in the Vetus Ordo would continue to be allowed.  

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Holy sacrificial living and prayer can over come anything. For if God is for us who can be against us!

It certainly isn’t an easy life. But the life of the saints is that of the road less traveled. Satan is always trying to destroy the fruit (Mark 4:13) that leaves him with only so many tricks in his bag. Yet, we need only draw near to Christ and we have already won. JMJ pray for us!


It must be axiomatic that, since every pope has personally celebrated the Latin Mass, then it must be part of the deposit of faith, I would have thought.


Good evening Mr Lambert. Just listened to the following video on youtube which seems to address the question "Why" which nagged me while I read your blog. Is this aa view which you would support?


Jun 26

"ALL POWER CORRUPTS" (Lord Acton), including ecclesial power.

Replying to

I would amend that to say currupts fallen human beings. Surely, God is not corrupt by it and those holy saint ls and angels in Heaven. But humans need Divine help to avoid temptation. So, we pray!


I cannot begin to describe how angry and horrified I am by this ruling. The Vatican is acting like the worst kind of dictatorship with complete disregard for the laity and others , who value beyond price, our beautiful traditions.

This decision is neither holy nor humane and will lose many members of the Catholic faith.

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